Grand Blvd. Video featuring world-class chef Emeril Lagasse for Grand Blvd is a fantastic concept! Given that the video will be shot in one day with minimal crew and equipment.

Coke, Using Stop-Motion technique to create action and excitement, on location at the Coke Museum in Atlanta, Ga.

Manheim is the world's largest, most comprehensive wholesale vehicle marketplace. Shooting at over a dozen locations in Atlanta, Ga. with a total of 4 shooting days.

Grand Boulevard in Miramar Beach, Florida, is a vibrant destination offering a variety of restaurants and shops. Photographed using various techniques including slow-motion with minium lighting.

Coke, photographed on location in Atlanta Ga. Using min crew and hand held gimbal.

Accesso Partners, commercial real estate investment manager. Photographed using video and drone photography involving over fifty Class A & B commercial properties located in various parts of the US.

Irwin Tools, maker of professional grade hand tools for trade professionals. Using slow motion to capture the details of the saw blades cutting. Using new construction location sites as well as older home for the renovation shots.

Irwin Tools, maker of professional grade hand tools for trade professionals. We shot this in Athens, Ga over a period of 3 days, models are professional home builders, construction workers and craftsmen.